Saturday, April 4, 2009

Long time!

I know I have not posted anything new lately and I'm so sorry! I have been very busy and I haven't had anytime. I will get some cute easter pictures up next week!
Yesterday I made a jello cake and I threw away the coolwhip in the garbage can. I had just gotten Maggie out of the bathtub. I turned around and in her hands was the container of coolwhip! She had been licking it and it was all over her face and in her hair! I went and grabbed the camera and realized the batteries were dead! I was so upset!

Also, do not be afraid! I do not beat my child! I was doing my hair and Maggie found a container of lipgloss! She put it all over her arm! It looks like a big bruise! I think the terrible twos are here!


Jessica said...

HAHA!! She is a little trouble maker! Hope she didn't get any bad habits from Hunter. She is so cute.

mickelsenfamily said...

Hey! So fun to know you have a blog! Call me so I can have your number...390-2484. Cute blog by the way! It was good to see you and chat for a bit today.

SmustysGirl said...

Yess! I love the terrible two's! Olly has learned to pull the chairs out and climb on the table. He scares me to death!

The Palmer Family said...

Hey better on here than on the furniture! Can't wait to see those kids!